Jordan Basin Improvement District

Emergency Contacts

If the situation is potentially life threatening, call 911. The following emergency contact information is intended for non-life threatening situations having to do with the sanitary sewer collection system and treatment plants.

Who to Contact

If the situation involves the sanitary sewer collection system (manholes, piping, lift stations, etc.), call the Jordan Basin Improvement District main office. If the situation involves the wastewater treatment plant in Riverton, call the Jordan Basin Water Reclamation Facility. If the situation involves a slug/spill of prohibited substances into the sanitary sewer system from a commercial or industrial facility, call Jordan Basin Improvement District Pretreatment Department at the telephone numbers listed below. If you are unsure who to call, call Jordan Basin Improvement District main office telephone number.

Regular Business Hours

Monday through Thursday 7:00 AM to 4:30 PM, except holidays

Friday 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, except holidays


Call the relevant telephone number listed below:

  • Jordan Basin Improvement District / Main Office
    (801) 571-1166
  • Jordan Basin Water Reclamation Facility
    (385) 202-2730
  • Pretreatment Department

(385) 202-2777

After Hours

At times other than regular business hours, call the following after-hours emergency telephone numbers:

  • Jordan Basin Improvement District / after hours
  • (801) 243-8492
  • Jordan Basin Water Reclamation Facility
    (801) 455-0533
    (801) 440-6772
  • Pretreatment Department
  • (385) 202-2779
  • (801) 455-2919
  • Life Threatening Situations

    Call 911
  • Manholes, piping, lift stations, etc.

    Call (801) 571-1166
  • Wastewater treatment plant in Riverton

    Call (385) 202-2730
  • Slug/spill of prohibited substances into the sanitary sewer system from a commercial or industrial facility

    Call (385) 202-2777

After Hours Emergency Phone Numbers