Jordan Basin Improvement District


The US Environmental Protection Agency and the State of Utah require publicly owned treatment works (POTW) to implement Industrial Pretreatment Programs in compliance with the requirements of 40 CFR §403 and UAC R317-8-8. The purpose of pretreatment programs is to identify and regulate businesses and industry that have the potential to discharge wastewater containing high strength wastes, toxic chemicals, and other hazardous materials. If not adequately controlled, industrial wastewater can damage sewer system infrastructure, threaten the safety of sewer workers, interfere with wastewater treatment processes, and cause pass-through of toxic industrial pollutants to receiving waters.

The South Valley Sewer District (SVSD) has established Wastewater Rules and Regulations which govern industrial dischargers. In accordance with these Rules and Regulations, the Industrial Pretreatment Department issues industrial wastewater discharge permits, requires dischargers to meet certain wastewater discharge limitations, and inspects industries and samples their wastewater to confirm compliance with permit requirements.

Click on the links below for additional Pretreatment information

SVSD Industrial Pretreatment Program

Pretreatment Fee Schedule

Annual Pretreatment Report

SVSD Pretreatment Forms

Report Illegal Dumping

To send an email to the Industrial Pretreatment Department, please click here. To speak with an Industrial Pretreatment Department representative, please call (385)202-2777.

  • Life Threatening Situations

    Call 911
  • Manholes, piping, lift stations, etc.

    Call (801) 571-1166
  • Wastewater treatment plant in Riverton

    Call (385) 202-2730
  • Slug/spill of prohibited substances into the sanitary sewer system from a commercial or industrial facility

    Call (385) 202-2777

After Hours Emergency Phone Numbers