Jordan Basin Improvement District

Awards and Certifications

Jordan Basin Water Reclamation Facility Wins 2013 ACEC Grand Conceptor Award

On November 30, 2012, South Valley Sewer District and Bowen, Collins and Associates was awarded the ACEC Grand Conceptor Award of the Year for 2013. The award comes after five years of design and construction of the new facility.

Operator Certification

The District’s maintenance/treatment staff is certified by the State of Utah.

2013 Most Outstanding Water/Wastewater Project for UC&D (Utah Construction & Design)

From left to right Dale Bennett, Ken Spiers, Garland Mayne, Wayne Ballard, Craig White, Randy Zollinger

Rocky Mountain Power

Awarded a substantial rebate as an Energy Efficient Process.

Gold LEED Certification

The District’s/ JBWRF Administrative and Maintenance Buildings are Gold LEED certified.

  • Life Threatening Situations

    Call 911
  • Manholes, piping, lift stations, etc.

    Call (801) 571-1166
  • Wastewater treatment plant in Riverton

    Call (385) 202-2730
  • Slug/spill of prohibited substances into the sanitary sewer system from a commercial or industrial facility

    Call (385) 202-2777

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